Coaching: When and Why Should You Thrive with it?
When you feel you are not progressing, or you are not in the right place. Sometimes it can happen
that you look successful from outside, but you do not feel so. Or you are happy with some aspect of
your life but in some areas you are missing something. These are not all but typical cases when
coaching can help.
In the first case I mentioned, probably you have all the necessary assets, opportunities, and even basic motivation but somehow you still do not progress. Or you feel you do not have the chance to show off. “I could make a great difference if my manager would allow me to do so, or if I had enough
money to start, or …” During the coaching session we will find out the root cause of your perception, raise your awareness of it, increase your energy level to handle it in a way which is tailored to you.During the sessions we identify inner and outer blocks. Using professional coaching techniques, you will find out how to handle those blocks and even use them as assets and tools.
According to a recent Gallup worldwide research 85% of the employees are unhappy at their job. “…the toughest part of a 9 – 5 is going through each day without hitting someone in the face.” It is one of the examples of not being at the right place. During the sessions we will discover the background of this feeling. Sometimes the feeling is not that strong but still there saying you could have a much better life. Sometimes it is related to your uncovered intentions and goals. Probably you just meet expectations form outside or please others, but your true interests, goals, desires left behind. How much better life could you have by aligning your own goals and actions? How much more could you share and how much better example would you be to your kids or friends.
Probably you feel you do not have enough; you are not as successful as you should be. You had different plans 5 or 10 years ago. You do not feel grateful or satisfied. “I will be happy when I get my promotion, when the project is done, or I reach…” Probably you do not respect what you have already done, or you have. It can be a never-ending story. You have done a lot already. Why do you make your fulfillment and happiness depending on your future achievements? Do you think you are not lovable without those? You are not your achievements. Based on scientific research there are specific reasons behind those thoughts. During the sessions we will discover it and you will have a much better understanding and awareness. This gives you the chance to change your attitude and actions to have a different, much better life.
Apply for a Coaching Interview with me!
It is a free 15-20 minutes talk between the client and me during which we discuss why the client is looking for coaching. I describe what coaching means in my practice, how I can help, what services I will provide tailored to the client’s specific needs. We also discuss how long we will work together on what specific goals. I also provide details on the fee, the coaching contract, and answer any questions the client may have.